PRESS RELEASE: H-Fax Voicemail Center 8.0 for HCL Notes and Domino 📠🔊
With H-Fax Voicemail Center 8.0 Release Version, Enhancements include New User Interface, New Features and Support for 64-bit and 32-bit Windows Environments New York, NY – March 11, 2019 – NotesMail, provider of CRUCIAL Notes tools and Domino consulting services, now offers an enhanced user interface to receive / send faxes and voicemails in all leading industry mail client and server environments. H-Fax Voicemail Center (HVC) engine installation is supported on 64-bit and 32-bit dedicated Windows workstations and servers. It can be installed on either a dedicated Windows workstation or a Windows server with a connected fax or voice fax modem using a VOIP or analog phone line. Scalability to support multiple fax numbers would require, for example, installing multiple dedication workstations with connected modems and phone lines. Other new features include fax notification letterhead options, voicemail notification format options, "Create Voice E-mail" button to send outgoing voicemails and "Scan and Send Fax" to send outgoing faxes.
IDC White Paper 2017 Fax Growth and Security quotes...
"Fax is a trusted communication method in this era of almost daily news about security breaches. Fax usage grew by an average of 27% [in 2017] and is expected to grow by an average of 25% over the next two years [thru 2019]. Fax documents are legally binding documents, and fax supports compliance with industry regulations (e.g., HIPAA, SOX, GLBA)."
"H-Fax Voicemail Center increased our productivity when processing faxes. It worked perfectly in our Notes and iNotes mail environment. Faxes do no get blocked like emails due to spam and junk filters."
- Roland W., President, ATR Staffing, Freehold, NJ, USA
- Notes and Domino 10/9/8 compatible
- On-premise and SmartCloud Notes, iNotes, Verse support
- Outlook, Outlook on the web, G Suite, etc. supported
- Server platforms: Windows, Linux, IBM i, AIX, Solaris
- Desktop platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
- Notes Traveler, Blackberry supported
- Simple installation
- Review faxes from mail clients, web, iOS, Android
- Edit and annotate received faxes
- Voicemail support (supports over 90,000 mailboxes)
- Retrieve voicemails from mail clients, mobile, touch-tone
- Forward faxes and voicemails messages to email addresses
- Call transferring; Customize outgoing messages and resulting actions according to Caller ID
- Extensive logging and archiving of all activities
- Fax on Demand (99 documents per mailbox)
HVC can be configured to run on any dedicated Windows Notes workstation or Windows Domino server platform. If you are using an Notes mail environment, then the fax and voicemail log can easily be shared by multiple users over the network since it essentially an Notes DB. If you are using any other mail environment, then you will need to remote into the dedicated workstation using your choice of remote access software or physically access the workstation to see the fax and voicemail log. The next point release version can be configured to send daily email notifications containing the fax and voicemail logs. More information on the HVC is available by going to the NotesMail Website or calling 212-599-2048 x5.
Customers - (partial list)
Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies
Acal Technology Limited
Adaptive Tech Resources, Inc.
Axiom Systems Africa (Pty) Ltd
Binani Zinc Ltd
Brain² bvba
Business911 International, Inc
Computer Systems Center Inc.
COMPUTING systems d.o.o.
Creative Business Solutions
Dimension Data Cloud Solutions Australia Pty Ltd.
Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros
GCON Nederland BV
GS7 GmbH
Innovative Ideas Unlimited, Inc.
Institute of Information Industry
Kelros Ltd
Notes Development AG
PC Consult, Inc.
Saint Paul Public Schools
Seamon, Whiteside & Associates, Inc.
Stark Manufacturing LLC
T Norris & Associates
About NotesMail - HCL Business Partner
NotesMail is a HCL Business Partner specializing in Notes and Domino software for 28 years. NotesMail provides CRUCIAL Notes Tools suite and consulting services including Domino administration, Notes and Domino web development, modernization, optimization, security auditing, integration and migration for on-premises and cloud environments (Notes, iNotes, Traveler, Nomad, Leap, Sametime, Verse, HCAA). NotesMail is the "go-to" services company for the experience you can trust. The digital solutions collaboration team has decades of combined knowledge and experience to quickly reach your goals by delivering customized Notes and Domino software that fit each unique environment.
CRUCIAL Notes Tools is a software suite for Domino administration and Notes development. The Notes tools are designed to allow better, stronger, faster productivity for Domino administrators and Notes developers. The Beacon Award nominated suite includes tools for reporting, security auditing, attachment compression, message migration, phishing email removal, centralized message recall for IT help desk, email marketing, mail merging, barcoding, fax & voicemail, email signature manager, mailbox stationary manager, RDBMS data integration synchronization and web date picker with calendar pop-up reminders. The Notes tools are used by hundreds of organizations comprising thousands of users including Domino administrators, Notes developers and end users.
NotesMail serves customers in a wide range of industries, such as healthcare, pharmaceutical, automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, energy, education, government, financial, media, transportation, law, accounting and insurance. NotesMail has delivered Notes and Domino consulting services to hundreds of enterprise customers including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Toyota, Epson, Seagate Technology, Johnson Controls, Siemens, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Illinois, Department of HUD, United States Marine Corps, Missouri State Highway Patrol, JPMorgan Chase. State Street Bank, United Parcel Service, Sony Corporation, Ernst & Young, among others. We have consistently provided technical excellence, outstanding customer service, and innovative products to small, medium and large companies around the globe. With the professional advantage that comes from our command of the diverse, highly-specialized work related to HCL Digital Solutions software, NotesMail is well positioned to be the vendor of choice for many leading-edge organizations.
To learn more about NotesMail's CRUCIAL Notes Tools and consulting services, visit the NotesMail website.
tags: hcl domino fax server, integrated domino fax, fax for domino, replacement, hcl domino fax, hcl notes fax, h-fax, hfax, hfmc, hcl notes voicemail, hcl domino voicemail, ibm integrated domino fax, hcl fax for domino, replacement |  |