Prepare the Domino server and Notes client

Perform these steps to install or upgrade your Domino® server and Notes® client, create the widgets catalog, and specify widgets policy or preference settings for users.

About this task

Prepare a Notes client plug-in deployment environment as follows.


1. Install or upgrade a Domino server.

2. Install or upgrade a Notes client.

3. Create the widgets catalog on the server using the widgets catalog template as described in the topicCreating the widget catalog.

4. Configure Domino policy to specify the catalog server name, catalog name, and catalog categories to install using the Widgets tab on the Domino desktop policy settings document as described in the topic Controlling Widgets and Live Text access with Domino policy.

5. If you have used the Enable provider IDs for widget additionor Restrict provider IDs for installation/execution settings on the Widgets tab in the desktop policy settings document to control which widget types your users can install and use, note that a fifth type, prov.provider.ToolboxProvisioning, has been added which allows a widget to be used to deploy a client plug-in, which you should enable. An equivalent setting in the plugin_customization.ini file is also now available. For more information, see the topic Controlling Widgets and Live Text access with Domino policy.

Parent topic: Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Previous topic: Place the updateSite folder centrally
Next topic: Create an NSF-based update site and import the Eclipse updateSite content

Related concepts
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Domino policy
Widget catalog options and access
Configuring Widgets and Live Text

Related tasks
Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Creating the widget catalog
Assigning NOTES.INI or location document settings using a desktop policy
Assigning Eclipse preference settings using a desktop policy